Today, the print media has found its reflection mirrored on the Internet.
Artistic print layouts of the past were for a time difficult to emulate.
Now the sophistication achieved in web design has given parity and a sense of continuity between both media.
One of the positive outcomes is that what is a still image in print has become a moving image in the form of GIF files on the Internet. Many of the greats of print as well as web publishing have made way for embedded video files.
As a result, I have little by little brought motion to my still images.
Today, the print media has found its reflection mirrored on the Internet.
Artistic print layouts of the past were for a time difficult to emulate.
Now the sophistication achieved in web design has given parity and a sense of continuity between both media.
One of the positive outcomes is that what is a still image in print has become a moving image in the form of GIF files on the Internet. Many of the greats of print as well as web publishing have made way for embedded video files.
As a result, I have little by little brought motion to my still images.
J.F. PODEVIN Illustration

“The opening of the Sixth Seal.”

Composite Memories: Alpha-Omega:

Composite Memories: Occident

Shakespeare: Timon of Athens

ACM - Computer Hackers

Scientific American The Neuroscience of Identity

Scientific American -Cover Comp: The Violent Mind

Discover Magazine-cvr. comp (unpblshd) Waking Life

Shakespeare MACBETH


Wall Street Journal- FEAR


The Crucible-Arthur Miller