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by Jean-Francois Podevin


Reactivity and biology.

Modeling a piece of biology is very different from that of modeling a human-made system. The motivations, the evolution, the goals, the scales, and the people involved, are all very different. Biological systems are molecular and cellular machines. They are incredibly complex and computer science is expected to play a major role of the understanding the science of the 21st century which will be dominated by the life sciences.

In the fantastic DNA structure below, the chaos of nature's creative volition evolving and changing through its cycle of energy and entropy blends in with the linear thinking of human systems, evolving into a new scientific paradigm.

If you compare a fruit fly to a fighter jet you can see that they have many things in common, and there is much to be gained from reverse engineering the former to engineer the latter.

This fantastic Rube Goldberg DNA illustration was the cover image with its counterpart in the story opening page.

J.F.Podevin 12-04-18

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